Question: Which bacterium is commonly associated with causing tumors in plants?
📌Other Options Explanations:
-(a) Xanthomonas: Xanthomonas species are bacterial plant pathogens causing fire blight, leaf spots, and other diseases.
-(b) Pseudomonas: This genus is known for causing a range of plant diseases, including leaf spots and wilts.
-(c) Erwinia: Erwinia species can cause soft rots and wilts in plants.
🔑Key Points:
-Agrobacterium tumefaciens
-Agrobacterium tumefaciens has extensive usage in genetic engineering work in plants.
-It is a soil-borne, plant pathogenic bacterium that causes tumorous growths.
-It has the ability to transfer a particular type of DNA segment (T-DNA).
-It induces the tumour-inducing plasmid (Ti) into the infected cells.
-It is integrated into the host genome and transcribed, causing the crown gall disease.