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What is the seed requirement (per hectare) for sowing Ashwagandha?

Question: What is the seed requirement (per hectare) for sowing Ashwagandha?


1. 6-8 kg
2. 10-12 kg
3. 16-20 kg
4. 22-24 kg

The recommended seed rate for sowing Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) per hectare is generally 10-12 kg. This can vary slightly depending on the specific variety, sowing method (broadcasting or line sowing), and local conditions.

🛑 Additional Information:::
Economic Part: Root

• Major Constituents:
Total alkaloid (0.13-0.31%)
Withanine, Somniferine

• Uses:
Cures bronchitis, rheumatism, inflammation

• Varieties:
Poshita and Rakshita: High-yielding varieties (released by CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow)
Jawahar 20: Cultivated in Madhya Pradesh
WSR: Released by CSIR-Regional Research Laboratory, Jammu
Nagori: Local variety with starchy roots

• Soil and Climate:
Soil: Sandy loam, slightly alkaline (pH 7.5-8.0)
Altitude: 600-1200m
Temperature: 20°C to 35°C

• Seed Rate:
Broadcasting: 10-12 kg/ha
Transplanting: 5 kg/ha
Spacing: 60×60 cm for transplanting (6-week-old seedlings)

• Season:
Planting: August-September (late rainy season)
Harvesting: May (150-170 days after sowing)

• Field Management:
Manuring: Grown on residual fertility, no fertilizer needed
Weeding: Hand weeding at 30 days after sowing

• Plant Protection:
Leaf Blight & Dieback: Diethane M 45 (0.3%)
Damping Off & Seedling Rot: Trichoderma viride (2 kg/ha), Pseudomonas fluorescens (2 kg/ha)

• Harvesting:
Maturity: Dry leaves, red berries
Time: January to March
Method: Uproot the plant, cut stem 1-2 cm above the crown

• Post-Harvest Practices:
Roots: Cut into 7-10 cm pieces for drying
Berries: Harvested, dried, and threshed to remove seeds

• Grading of Roots:
A Grade: Up to 7 cm long, 1-1.5 cm diameter, smooth, pure white inside
B Grade: Up to 5 cm long, 1 cm or less diameter, brittle, white inside
C Grade: 3-4 cm long, 1 cm or less diameter
D Grade: Small, semisolid or hollow, yellowish inside, <1 cm diameter

• Yield:
Roots: 400-1200 kg/ha (dried)
Seeds: 200-500 kg/ha

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