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What is the botanical name of sweet orange?

Question: What is the botanical name of sweet orange?


Citrus reticulata
Citrus sinensis
Citrus grandis
Citrus paradise

Citrus sinensis is the scientific name for the sweet orange, the most commonly cultivated and consumed type of orange. It encompasses various cultivars like Valencia, navel, and blood oranges. Citrus sinensis, a hybrid between pomelo (Citrus maxima) and mandarin (Citrus reticulata), also known as the sweet oranges, is a commonly cultivated species of orange that includes Valencia oranges, blood oranges and navel oranges.

📌Other Options Explanations:
(a) Citrus reticulata: This is the botanical name for mandarin oranges, a smaller, sweeter citrus fruit with a looser skin.
(c) Citrus grandis: This is the botanical name for the pomelo, a large citrus fruit with a thick rind and a slightly sweet or sour taste.
(d) Citrus paradise: This is the botanical name for the grapefruit, a large citrus fruit with a slightly bitter taste and a variety of colors.

🛑 Additional Information:::
The orange fruit is an important agricultural product, used for both the juicy fruit pulp and the aromatic peel (rind). Orange blossoms (the flowers) are used in several different ways, as are the leaves and wood of the tree.
Giant swallowtail larva
Giant swallowtail caterpillars (Papilio cresphontes) cause serious damage to this crop, especially to young trees.

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