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What is the best way of preserving pure fruit juice?

Question: What is the best way of preserving pure fruit juice?


1. Freezing
2. Canning
3. Carbonation
4. Pasteurization

Pasteurization is the best method for preserving pure fruit juice. This process involves heating the juice to a specific temperature to kill harmful microorganisms and enzymes that can cause spoilage, while maintaining the flavor and nutritional content of the juice. After pasteurization, the juice is typically sealed in sterilized containers to prevent contamination.

🔑Key Points:
Pasteurization is a process in which heat is applied to beverages to kill pathogens and extend shelf life.
In Pasteurization the heat applied is below the boiling point of water which is mildly heated to kill off harmful bacteria, salmonella, and other disease-causing pathogens.
The process is named after Louis Pasteur who developed the method to kill microbes in 1864.
While Pasteurization kills microorganisms and pathogens it is not a form of sterilization.

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