Question: What is the acid requirement for making good jelly?
(a) 0.5 – 1% (1)
(b) 1.5 – 2% (2)
(c) 2.5 – 3% (3)
(d) 3.5 – 4% (4)
The acid requirement for making good jelly is generally between 0.5% and 1%. This level of acidity is essential for the proper activation of pectin, a natural gelling agent found in fruits. Pectin molecules need an acidic environment to form the network that gives jelly its characteristic texture.
🔑Key Points:
 Pectin is a polysaccharide starch that is used as a thickener in cooking and baking.
It is found in the cell wall of vegetables and fruits.
For making good jelly, 0.5 to 1.0 percent of pectin is used.
Below this percentage range, jelly can’t be set and above this, the jelly gets very hard and tough.
•  🛑Additional Information:::
• Following are the essential constituents and proportions of a Jelly:
1. Sugar             – 60 to 65%
2. Fruit acid        – 1%
3. Pectin             – 0.5 to 1%
4. Water             – 33 to 38%