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What causes little leaf disease in brinjal (eggplant)?

Question: What causes little leaf disease in brinjal (eggplant)?



✅Explanation: Phytoplasma: Little leaf disease in brinjal (eggplant) is caused by a phytoplasma, which is a type of wall-less bacteria-like microorganism. These pathogens are transmitted by insect vectors, typically leafhoppers, and cause symptoms such as stunted growth, small leaves (hence "little leaf"), and poor fruit development.

🛑 Additional Information::::
Little Leaf of Brinjal

• Description:
-A serious viral-like disease of brinjal.
-Transmitted by leafhoppers (Cestius (Hishimonus) phycitis and Amrasca biguttula biguttula).

• Symptoms:
-Early-stage leaves turn light yellow.
-Leaves become reduced in size and malformed.
-Plants are shorter in stature with numerous branches, roots, and leaves compared to healthy plants.
-Petioles are considerably shortened.
-Axils of leaves produce numerous buds.
-Internodes are shortened, giving plants a bushy appearance.
-Flower parts become deformed, causing sterility.
-Plants fail to bear fruit; if any fruit is formed, it becomes hard, tough, and fails to mature.

• Control Measures:
-Adopt sanitary measures, including eradication of susceptible volunteer crop plants from previous plantings.
-Use barrier or trap crops to limit disease spread.
-Early removal and destruction of infected plants.
-Adjust sowing time to avoid peak flights of beet leafhoppers.
-Spray Malathion (2 ml/liter of water) at the first appearance of leafhoppers to control their population.

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