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What causes black leg or soft rot of potato?

Question: What causes black leg or soft rot of potato?


None of these

-✅Explanation: Black leg or soft rot of potato is a bacterial disease caused by several species of bacteria, most commonly Erwinia carotovora. This bacterium infects the potato plant through wounds or natural openings in the stems and tubers. The bacteria multiply and break down the plant tissue, causing the stems to rot and the tubers to become soft and mushy.


📌Other Options Explanations:
-Fungi: While fungi can cause diseases in potatoes (such as late blight.
-Phytoplasma: Phytoplasmas are associated with diseases like yellows and phyllody.

🛑 Additional Information::::
-Brown rot is a bacterial disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum which is one of the most destructive plant pathogens and is the most common in the tropical and the sub-tropical regions of the world.
-The disease causes wilting of the leaves, stunted plant growth, and grey discoloration of the vascular tissue.

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