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  • ICAR and TNAU E-Course Summarized

    Summarized Notes
  • The word taxonomy was firstly coined by:

    Question: The word taxonomy was firstly coined by:


    Lionel de Nicéville
    De Candolle

    The term "taxonomy" was first coined by Augustin Pyramus de Candolle (A.P. de Candolle), a Swiss botanist, in 1813. He introduced this term in his book "Théorie élémentaire de la botanique," where he defined taxonomy as the theory of plant classification. De Candolle's work laid the foundation for the modern system of classifying and naming organisms.

    🔑Key Points:
    (b) Linnaeus: Carl Linnaeus is considered the "father of modern taxonomy" and developed the binomial nomenclature system.

    🔑Key Points:
     AP De Candolle was a Swiss Botanist.
    Taxonomy is defined as the classification of living organisms into different groups based on their nomenclature.
    The three main objectives of taxonomy are Identification, Nomenclature, and Classification.
    Additional Information

    • Biologists and their Contributions:
    Coined the term ‘cell’-Robert Hooke
    Binomial nomenclature- Carolus Linnaeus
    One gene-one enzyme hypothesis- Beadle & Tatum
    Operon concept- Jacob & Monod
    Jumping genes concept- Dr. McClintock
    Human blood groups- Karl Landsteiner
    Fluid Mosaic Model- Singer & Nicholso

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