Question: The book "Soil and Fresh Water Nematodes" is written by…
Chitwood and Chitwood
Tom Goodey
Tom Goodey, a prominent nematologist, authored the book "Soil and Fresh Water Nematodes" in 1951. This comprehensive work provided detailed information about the taxonomy, morphology, and ecology of nematodes found in soil and freshwater environments. It was later revised by his son, J.B. Goodey, in 1963.
Tom Goodey, a prominent nematologist, authored the book "Soil and Fresh Water Nematodes" in 1951. This comprehensive work provided detailed information about the taxonomy, morphology, and ecology of nematodes found in soil and freshwater environments. It was later revised by his son, J.B. Goodey, in 1963.
🔑Key Points:
(a) Chitwood and Chitwood: B.G. Chitwood and M.B. Chitwood are renowned nematologists who authored the book "An Introduction to Nematology."
(b) Kuhn: Julius Gotthelf Kühn was a German agronomist and phytopathologist who made significant contributions to the study of plant diseases.