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  • ICAR and TNAU E-Course Summarized

    Summarized Notes
  • The alimentary canal of a nematode is comprised of…

    Question: The alimentary canal of a nematode is comprised of…


    All of these

    ✅Explanation: The alimentary canal of a nematode is a complete digestive system that runs as a tube from the mouth (anterior) to the anus (posterior). It is divided into three main regions:

    • Stomodeum:
    Function: Responsible for ingestion and initial breakdown of food.
    Components: Mouth, buccal cavity (mouth cavity), and pharynx (esophagus).
    Lining: Lined with cuticle (a tough, protective layer).

    • Mesenteron (Intestine):
    Function: Major site of digestion and absorption of nutrients.
    Lining: A single layer of epithelial cells, not lined with cuticle.

    • Proctodeum:
    Function: Responsible for the formation and expulsion of feces.
    Components: Rectum and anus.
    Lining: Lined with cuticle.

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