Question: Slow decline or dieback of citrus is caused by…………..
Rotylenchulus sp.
Tylenchulus sp.
Ditylenchus sp.
Radopholus spp.
Tylenchulus semipenetrans, commonly known as the citrus nematode, is the primary causal agent of slow decline or dieback disease in citrus trees. This microscopic worm feeds on the roots of citrus, damaging the root system and impairing its ability to absorb water and nutrients. This leads to a gradual decline in tree health, manifesting as yellowing leaves, reduced growth, and eventual death of the tree.
Tylenchulus semipenetrans, commonly known as the citrus nematode, is the primary causal agent of slow decline or dieback disease in citrus trees. This microscopic worm feeds on the roots of citrus, damaging the root system and impairing its ability to absorb water and nutrients. This leads to a gradual decline in tree health, manifesting as yellowing leaves, reduced growth, and eventual death of the tree.