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  • ICAR and TNAU E-Course Summarized

    Summarized Notes
  • Scientific name of the citrus nematode is:

    Question: Scientific name of the citrus nematode is:


    Tylenchulus semipenetrans
    Meloidogyne incognita
    Radopholus similis
    Globodera rostochiensis

    Tylenchulus semipenetrans is the scientific name for the citrus nematode, a plant-parasitic roundworm that specifically targets citrus trees. This nematode disrupts the root system, hindering nutrient and water uptake, ultimately leading to stunted growth, reduced fruit yield, and even tree death in severe infestations.

    🔑Key Points:
    (b) Meloidogyne incognita: This is the root-knot nematode, a widespread plant pathogen that can infect a variety of crops, including vegetables, fruits, and ornamentals.
    (c) Radopholus similis: Also known as the burrowing nematode, it attacks various plants, including citrus, but also bananas, pineapples, and other tropical crops.
    (d) Globodera rostochiensis: This is the golden potato cyst nematode, a major parasite of potatoes.

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