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Nematode body is:

Question: Nematode body is:


All of these


• Nematodes, also known as roundworms, possess all the characteristics listed in the options:
Triploblastic: This means their body develops from three germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. These layers give rise to various tissues and organs in the body.
Unsegmented: Unlike annelids (segmented worms), nematodes have a smooth, cylindrical body without distinct segments. This unsegmented body allows for flexibility and efficient movement through various environments.
Pseudocoelomate: Nematodes have a fluid-filled body cavity called a pseudocoelom. This cavity is not lined with mesodermal tissue like a true coelom, but it still provides space for internal organs and aids in circulation and movement.

🔑Key Points:
Phytophagous refers to the organisms that feed on plant or plant materials.
Nematodes belong to the Phylum Nematoda or Aschelminthes.
The body of the nematodes is circular incross-sections thus they are commonly known as roundworms.
They are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, and pseudocoelomate organisms showing an organ-system level of body organization.
They have distinct mouth and anus, and the alimentary canal is complete with a well-developed muscular pharynx. 
Nematodes are dioecious i.e., males and females are distinct.
They lack the circulatory system and respiratory system.
Examples- Ascaris (Round Worm), Wuchereria (Filaria worm), Ancylostoma (Hookworm), Trichinella, Spirura, etc.
Nematodes may be free-living, aquatic, terrestrial, or parasitic in plants and animals.
Parasitic nematodes cause diseases in the host.
The majority of phytophagous nematodes are root parasites.
The most economically significant group of plant parasite nematodes are root-knot nematodes and they develop neoplastic feeding sites in the roots of their host plants.
Some examples of root parasitic nematodes are Trichodorus, Meloidogyne, Xiphinema (dagger nematodes), etc.
Root parasitic nematodes are found worldwide, and are obligate parasites of the roots of various species of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous, herbaceous, and woody plants.
These parasites may be ectoparasites or endoparasites of the plants.

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