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Mridula is a variety of which fruit?

Question: Mridula is a variety of which fruit?


(a) Grape (1)
(b) Litchi (2)
(c) Pear (3)
(d) Pomegranate (4)

Mridula is a popular variety of pomegranate known for its sweet, soft seeds, and attractive red color. It is a seedling selection from an open-pollinated F2 population of a cross between Ganesh and Gul-e-Shah Red pomegranate varieties.

• Key Characteristics of Mridula Pomegranate:
Taste: Sweet and juicy with a balanced flavor profile
Arils (Seeds): Soft and edible
Color: Deep red, both inside and out
Size: Medium to large

🛑 Additional Information:::
This variety has all the characters of the Ganesh variety except the arils are dark red in colour.
The colour of the arils in 'Ambe' bahar and 'Mrig' bahar is dark red in colour while it is pink during the 'Hasta' bahar.
The average fruit weight is 250-300 grams.

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