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Drying permits the ______ harvesting.

Question: Drying permits the ______ harvesting.



✅ Explanation: Drying reduces the moisture content of crops, allowing for early harvesting. This is because crops can be harvested before they are fully mature and then dried artificially, preventing field losses due to pests, diseases, or adverse weather conditions. Early harvesting also allows farmers to start the next cropping cycle sooner.
🛑 Additional Information
-Permits long time storage of grain without deterioration
-Permits continuous supply of product thro’ out the year
-Permits early harvest which reduces field damage and shattering loss
-Permits the farmers to have better quality product
-Makes products available during off season
Drying theory
-Convection process in which moisture from a product is removed
-The water content of agricultural product is given in terms of moisture content
-They gain or loose moisture as per the atmospheric conditions
-Moisture migration into or from a product is dependent on the difference of vapour pressure between atmosphere and product
-If the vapour pressure of grain is greater than atmospheric vapour pressure, transfer of moisture from grain to atmosphere takes place
-If the atmospheric vapour pressure is greater than grain vapour pressure, grain absorbs moisture from atmosphere
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