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  • ICAR and TNAU E-Course Summarized

    Summarized Notes
  • Nematode body is made up of………..

    Question: Nematode body is made up of………..


    All of these

    While all the options listed are components of a nematode's body, proteins are the most abundant and fundamental building blocks.
    Proteins: These are the main structural and functional components of the nematode body. They form muscles, internal organs, enzymes, and other essential molecules for various biological processes.
    Chitin: This complex carbohydrate is primarily found in the nematode's cuticle, the tough outer covering that provides protection and support. While chitin is important, it is not the most abundant component.
    Lipids: These fats and oils serve as energy reserves and are essential components of cell membranes. However, they are not the primary structural component of the nematode body.
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