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  • Which nematode is known as pulse nematode?

    Question: Which nematode is known as pulse nematode?


    Burrowing nematode
    Reniform nematode
    Leaf & bud nematode
    Citrus nematode

    While several nematodes can infect pulse crops, the reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) is most commonly associated with them. This nematode is a semi-endoparasite, meaning that the anterior part of the female body penetrates the root while the posterior part remains outside. It causes significant damage to a wide range of pulse crops, leading to reduced yields. Due to its prevalence and impact on these crops, it is often referred to as the "pulse nematode".

    • Why Other Options Are Incorrect:
    (a) Burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis): This nematode primarily affects bananas and citrus.
    (c) Leaf & bud nematode (Aphelenchoides spp.): These nematodes mainly infest the foliage of plants.
    (d) Citrus nematode (Tylenchulus semipenetrans): This nematode is specific to citrus trees.

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