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  • ICAR and TNAU E-Course Summarized

    Summarized Notes
  • TOBRA viruses are transmitted by –

    Question: TOBRA viruses are transmitted by –



    TOBRA viruses (Tobacco rattle virus and related species) are specifically transmitted by nematodes of the genus Trichodorus. These nematodes, also known as stubby-root nematodes, acquire the virus particles during feeding on infected plant roots and then transmit them to healthy plants during subsequent feeding. The virus particles attach to the lining of the nematode's esophagus and are released into the plant cells during feeding.

    • Related Terminologies:
    NEPO virus: An acronym for NEmatode-transmitted POlyhedral virus, a group of plant viruses transmitted by various nematode genera, including Xiphinema and Longidorus.

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