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For preserving Jamun juice, which preservative is used?

Question: For preserving Jamun juice, which preservative is used?


(a) Sugar (1)
(b) KMS (2)
(c) Sodium benzoate (3)
(d) Vinegar (4)

Sodium benzoate is a common preservative used in acidic foods and beverages, including Jamun juice. It works by inhibiting the growth of bacteria, yeast, and mold, which can cause spoilage. Sodium benzoate is considered safe for consumption in small amounts and is often used in combination with heat treatment (pasteurization) for effective preservation.

🔑Key Points:
Sodium benzoate is a type of salt derived from benzoic acid and is used as a preservative in a variety of foods, beverages, condiments, and cosmetics. 
The compound is effective at inhibiting the growth of fungi and bacteria, which is why it is so widely used as a food preservative.
Its E number (a code for substances used as food additives) is E211.
Sodium benzoate is particularly effective in acidic environments (pH below 4.5) where it can effectively inhibit the growth of microbes.

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