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Which mango cultivar is most suitable for high-density planting (HDP)?

Question: Which mango cultivar is most suitable for high-density planting (HDP)?


(a) Dasheri (1)
(b) Neelam (2)
(c) Amrapali (3)
(d) Chausa (4)

Amrapali is the most suitable mango cultivar for high-density planting (HDP) due to its dwarf growth habit and regular bearing nature. It can be planted at closer spacings (5m x 5m or even closer), allowing for a higher number of trees per hectare, leading to increased productivity.

• Reasons why Amrapali is ideal for HDP:
Dwarf Growth Habit: Amrapali trees are naturally smaller and more compact than other varieties, making them easier to manage in a high-density system.
Regular Bearing: Amrapali produces a consistent yield each year, ensuring a steady income for farmers.
Early Maturity: Amrapali trees start bearing fruit earlier than many other varieties, which is beneficial in HDP systems where early returns are desired.
High Yield: Even with closer spacing, Amrapali trees are capable of producing a high yield per hectare due to their efficient fruit-bearing capacity.

🔑Key Points:
The 'Amrapali' mango is a named mango cultivar introduced in 1971.
It was developed as a hybrid variety of 'Dasheri' and 'Neelum' by Dr. Pijush Kanti Majumdar at the Indian Agriculture Research Institute in Delhi. 
The tree is a dwarf, regular-bearer, with clusters of small-sized fruits.
Amrapali variety can be used in a High-Density Planting system.

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